First NFT game inspired by Naruto. Ninja Saga Fantasy - Your NFT Ninja Way!
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Shinobi World War

The world is divided into 2 factions, the ninjas who seek to create their ninja way within the Shinobi Alliance and the Night Raid Organization led by Amdara that seeks to achieve the power of the kages.
Ouzuki Kage
One of the most powerful Kages, possessing a unique Dōjutsu. Fundamental pillar in the peace of the shinobi world.
Leader of the Night Raid Organization. He can easily be the most powerful human ninja ever born. Obsessed with obtain the perfection.
Raijin Kage
Possessor of the power of the Sage of the Six Paths, the Rinnegan and the Sharingan, his power is not comparable to that of other humans.


It is the highest title that a Ninja can receive, they are the most powerful ninjas. They have superior abilities and contain within themselves some of the guardians' power.The kages get rewards in Token without having to do the daily missions or not, in addition to a special bonus to protect the world in tokens.

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They are elite ninjas under the direct orders of the kage. they can only be generated in a limited way by the game and placed in the MarketPlace every X amount of time. They differ by being unique, they have different clothing and skills. Within the game they can use all modes and they can be used to place them in Chakra Control status.

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To become Jōnin, the ninja in question must reach level 40. At this level, greater token rewards are obtained in adventure mode, and there is much more opportunity to win in the other game modes, the ninja gains special abilities , can control better techniques, and has a significant increase in combat and missions.

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They are the medium level Ninja, when reaching level 20 the Chūnin level is acquired, in this range the rewards increase and for each mission of level 20 or more that is completed within the adventure mode, more Token is obtained. Within the game they can use all modes and they can be used to place them in Chakra Control status.

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They are the "Lower Level Ninja", these are usually entrusted with the easiest missions for their ninja training, it is the first stage of all ninjas, they must begin to acquire more skills, gain experience and level up. Within the game they can use all modes, and generate token rewards. They can be used to place them in Chakra Control status.

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Chakra Control

Chakra control is a way to reward NFT character holders at the same time that prepares the development of the ninja for the beginning of the game, obtaining jutsus, experience, higher stats and more.

Boss Battle (Adventure)

Series of daily missions that you can complete to gain experience and rank up your ninja character, Each mission helps you gain experiences to rank up, and token rewards which you can use to buy high-level skills, increase attacks, agility or Dōjutsu's, weapons, pets, improve your character and more within the game, and you can also withdraw our token as your cumulative profit to your wallet.

Player vs Player (PvP)

Fight with the opponents with the level closest to your ranking, to play arena you must pay a fee in tokens to obtain your position in the fight, the payment of each player is accumulated and the winner gets the total of the fees of both. This mode is very important for future tournaments.

Team vs Team (Deathmatch)

In the same way that the PVP here each player must pay a fee in token, everything accumulates and the winning team gets all the accumulated tokens. Gather your team, train with your friends and get ready for battle and to get the tokens of all the other teams, This is a 4vs4 battle, where you must eliminate the opposing team with the help of your team.

Survival (Battle Royale)

In the same way that the PVP and Team vs Team, here each player must pay a fee in token, everything accumulates and the winning team gets all the accumulated tokens. This is undoubtedly the most interesting mode, matches of 20 - 30 or 50 ninjas in an open field fighting to be the last survivor and take all the accumulated tokens. This mode is for true surviving ninjas, only the strong can resist it.

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